Friday, August 13, 2010

Class size amendment - What does it really mean?

As a teacher, I am appalled at how the class size amendment has been handled by the state of Florida. Over the last 2 weeks I have watched administrators scramble to make their Master schedules fit the guidelines of the state, with NO monetary help from the District. What has this resulted for me, a 6th grade Agriculture teacher? I have been moved to teach Geography, because they can't justify using my "elective" when they can ONLY cram 40 kids in my room when I can be replaced by PE, where they CAN cram 70-80 kids per class!
Of COURSE I want class sizes to be small - but not at the mercy of losing Career and Technical classes and electives! In a PERFECT world, this amendment would be 1. Funded and 2. Class size would be mandated in ALL classes, not just core (English, Math, Science, and Social Science).

Friday, July 30, 2010

Fridays are always beautiful days!

Fridays always seem, well, more beautiful than the other days. You have the excitement of the end of the work week and the anticipation of what the weekend will hold. I am extra excited today because tomorrow we will have our last 4-D Ultrasound to see baby Lorelei and what she may look like when she decides to pop out in 8 weeks (I'm secretly hoping it will be more like 6, everyone tells me it'll probably be closer to 10)! We are also hoping to finish painting the room and possibly start the wood laminate floors tomorrow. Sunday will be a cleaning and lounging day. Those are my favorite now to keep my cankles at a manageable size!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My First Post!

So, this is an old photo but I wanted to see how it would look, so voila! I have been thinking about blogging for a while now, because I just love A. Reading friends blogs and B. Reading random blogs! I also love taking pictures and hope to start editing and posting cool ones, so I figured this would be a great medium for just that!