Friday, August 13, 2010

Class size amendment - What does it really mean?

As a teacher, I am appalled at how the class size amendment has been handled by the state of Florida. Over the last 2 weeks I have watched administrators scramble to make their Master schedules fit the guidelines of the state, with NO monetary help from the District. What has this resulted for me, a 6th grade Agriculture teacher? I have been moved to teach Geography, because they can't justify using my "elective" when they can ONLY cram 40 kids in my room when I can be replaced by PE, where they CAN cram 70-80 kids per class!
Of COURSE I want class sizes to be small - but not at the mercy of losing Career and Technical classes and electives! In a PERFECT world, this amendment would be 1. Funded and 2. Class size would be mandated in ALL classes, not just core (English, Math, Science, and Social Science).


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